Our Services

A sleeping disorder can have a significant impact on your daily life. If you struggle with a sleeping problem, you’ll likely be exhausted during the day and struggle to stay awake. As a result, you’ll have problems at work or school, and even affect your relationship with friends and family. Additionally, sleep issues can increase your risk of other health problems, such as heart disease. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s essential to seek medical help immediately.

The services Dr. Pandhi and his team provide include evaluating and treating sleep disorders like sleep apnea, TMJ dysfunction, snoring, and daytime fatigue. They’re board-certified to test for sleep disorders via a sleep study and prescribe the appropriate treatment option: oral appliances. Oral appliance therapy is a treatment option for sleep issues that involves wearing a mouthguard-like device during sleep. It’s a safe and effective option to treat sleep apnea, TMJ dysfunction, and snoring. It’s also an option for children who have sleep disorders.

If you think you may have a sleeping disorder, don’t hesitate to contact us.

What to Expect

Dr. Pandhi and his team are certified to test for sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea, TMJ dysfunction, and snoring, and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Dr. Pandhi will assess your medical history, ask you to perform some physical tests, and evaluate your sleep complaints during the initial consultation, enabling him to devise a plan for proper treatment. Then, depending on his analysis, he may recommend an overnight sleep study.

If your sleep study results indicate that you have a sleeping disorder, Dr. Pandhi will suggest Oral Appliance Therapy. Similar to a mouth guard or retainer, Sleep Perfection’s oral appliances will hold your jaw forward, so your airway is unobstructed, allowing you to breathe while sleeping.

All of our services include the following:

Consultation and evaluation
Testing and Evaluation
Treatment and follow-up care

Sleep Studies

Sleep Studies

Having difficulty sleeping at night or feeling tired despite sleeping for more than six hours may be signs of a sleeping disorder. To put your mind at ease, participate in a sleep study which is the best way to determine if you have a sleeping disorder.
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TMJ Disorder

TMJ Disorder

Sleep breathing disorders can trigger your fight and flight instincts. As a result, you may have bite discrepancies, excessive clenching, and grinding and wearing of teeth, all of which are signs of TMJ disorder.
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Snoring can be a symptom of a larger medical issue relating to airway obstruction. If you or someone you care about snores loudly every night, don’t downplay or ignore the symptom, as it may lead to chronic health concerns.
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Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea

There’s more to sleep apnea than irregular snoring. High blood pressure, arrhythmias, bed wetting, and ADHD are only a few uncommon signs of sleep apnea. Based on the evaluation, Dr. Pandhi will use the latest oral appliance to treat you for sleep apnea.
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Fatigue and Wellness

Fatigue and Wellness

Failure to sleep soundly at night oftens leads to irritability, lack of concentration, constant headaches, and more, especially in the morning. These symptoms can affect your daily routine and your quality of life. So, allow us to improve your health by improving your sleep quality.
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Treatment for Children

Treatment for Children

If your child struggles with a sleeping problem, they'll likely have poor performance in school and a weak immune system.
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Oral Appliances

Oral Appliances

Oral appliances are a safe and effective treatment solution for sleep apnea, TMJ dysfunction, and snoring.
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Schedule an Appointment.

At Sleep Perfection, Dr. Pandhi and our team focus on treating the root cause of a sleeping problem, not just the symptoms. Learn more about our sleep evaluation process, treatment options, and next steps by contacting our office today.