What to Expect

Did you know that excessive daytime fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of sleeping problems? Failure to get quality sleep every night is a major health issue, as it can cause anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, stroke, and more. If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of sleep disorders, there are several evaluation and treatment options available.

Dr. Pandhi and our team have the experience and background to test, evaluate, and treat sleep disorders, including sleep apnea, TMJ dysfunction, and snoring, regardless of age. Want to know what to expect after setting an appointment with Dr. Pandhi? Learn more about our process.

Consultation and Evaluation

Upon scheduling a consultation appointment you will visit our Tucson office to meet with Dr. Pandhi for an evaluation. During the appointment, Dr. Pandhi will assess your medical history and ask you to perform some airway tests. To develop a specific treatment plan, Dr. Pandhi will also ask about your sleep complaints. Depending on the results, he may recommend an overnight sleep study. 

Sleep Perfection follows AASM’s (The American Academy of Sleep Medicine) recommendation: conducting a sleep test before evaluating a sleeping disorder.

Testing and Evaluation

Before proceeding to any testing and evaluation procedures, it’s best to prepare some questions so you’ll have the necessary information about your sleeping disorder and the treatment options Dr. Pandhi chooses. Here are some questions you may consider asking:

  • What are the pros and cons of an in-lab sleep study?
  • What are the pros and cons of an at-home sleep study?
  • What are the other symptoms and complications of my sleep problem?
  • What are some risk factors associated with my sleep disorder?

Testing and evaluating a sleep disorder involves informing us about any medication you’re currently taking, sleep habits, sleep environment, and family and medical history. However, there are cases when you may not notice the symptoms of a sleep issue, like sleep apnea. You can complete Sleep Perfection’s sleep test to ensure you have a sleeping disorder. Your answers will determine if you need to complete a formal sleep test.


If the results of your sleep test point to a sleeping disorder, Dr. Pandhi will recommend Oral Appliance Therapy. Oral appliance therapy is a type of device that you’ll wear as you sleep. Like a mouth guard or retainer, Sleep Perfection’s oral appliances will hold your jaw forward to provide an opening in your airway, allowing you to breathe easily while you sleep.

The main advantage of oral appliance therapy when treating snoring or sleep apnea is that it eliminates the need for bulky and uncomfortable machines like CPAP.

woman and doctor looking at x-ray results

Follow-up Care

Airway intelligence reports, pictures, and CT scan results will give us a synopsis of the status of your airway and other anatomical issues (adenoids, tonsils, deviated septum, etc.). Based on the data gathered, you may participate in another sleep study after three to six months. Dr. Pandhi may also adjust your oral device if it doesn’t improve or worsen your sleep quality.

Schedule an Appointment.

At Sleep Perfection, Dr. Pandhi and our team focus on treating the root cause of a sleeping problem, not just the symptoms. Learn more about our sleep evaluation process, treatment options, and next steps by contacting our office today.