Overcome Sleep Apnea in Tucson, AZ

Struggling with sleep apnea in Tucson, AZ? You’re not alone, and you’re in the right place. At Sleep Perfection, we specialize in turning restless nights into peaceful sleep. Our expert team, led by our sleep specialist, Dr. Sharad Pandhi, is committed to fixing your sleeping struggles and helping you breathe easier and live better. 

Contact us today and take the first step towards better breathing during your sleep.

Our Sleep Apnea Treatment Services in Tucson

At Sleep Perfection, we deliver effective, evidence-based treatments for sleep apnea. Our approach starts with diagnosing the issue.

Man in bed with sleep apnea face mask

Diagnostic Services

Understanding the root cause of your sleep disturbances is important for effective treatment. We offer both in-lab and at-home diagnostic sleep studies in Tucson to assess your condition accurately. 

thumb monitor

SleepImage System

Utilizes a simple ring sensor worn on the finger overnight, providing a detailed analysis of your sleep patterns and cardiac health.

ares home sleep test

ARES Home Sleep Test Device:

 Allows for a comfortable and convenient at-home sleep study, capturing critical data like airflow, snoring intensity, and oxygen saturation.

Treatment Options at Sleep Perfection

After analyzing your sleep study results, Dr. Pandhi will tailor a treatment plan to your specific needs. We offer various appliances and therapies designed to alleviate sleep apnea symptoms effectively and comfortably. Our alternative methods to the traditional CPAP machine have helped Tuscon residents for years.


This appliance is particularly effective for patients with mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea. The Vivos device is designed to remodel the airway tract by gradually expanding the jaw, which can significantly improve airflow during sleep.

Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD)

This device works by moving the lower jaw slightly forward, which helps keep the airway open and reduces the risk of airway collapse during sleep. It is a popular choice for its effectiveness in reducing snoring and treating obstructive sleep apnea.

Tongue Retaining Device

For patients whose sleep apnea is exacerbated by the tongue blocking the airway, this device holds the tongue in a forward position during sleep to keep the airway open.

Myofunctional Therapy

This therapy involves exercises that strengthen the muscles of the mouth and throat. Myofunctional therapy can help improve breathing patterns at night and is often used in conjunction with other treatments for optimal effectiveness.

The Difference Between
Regular Snoring and Sleep Apnea Snoring

Snoring is a primary symptom of sleep apnea, but snoring associated with the condition is much different than the typical. Regular snoring is usually harmless and occurs when air flows past relaxed tissues in the throat, causing the tissues to vibrate during sleep. It’s often continuous and stable in sound.

Sleep apnea snoring, however, is a sign of a more serious condition. This type of snoring is typically louder and interspersed with silence, followed by gasps or snorts as the person resumes breathing after a pause. These pauses, known as apneas, are moments when breathing stops entirely for several seconds due to a blockage in the airway, leading to reduced oxygen levels in the blood.

Health Risks Associated with Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a nighttime nuisance and a serious health risk that can affect various aspects of your overall well-being. Obesity and sleep apnea often form a challenging cycle, as excess weight can exacerbate breathing interruptions, while disrupted sleep can lead to weight gain due to hormonal imbalances.

The condition also impacts your cardiovascular health. People with sleep apnea are at a higher risk for hypertension due to the extra strain on the cardiovascular system caused by frequent awakenings and oxygen deprivation. This increased blood pressure can lead to arrhythmias—irregular heartbeats—which may diminish heart efficiency or lead to severe complications. Additionally, prolonged hypertension can cause cardiomyopathy, where the heart muscle weakens and struggles to pump blood effectively.

Sleep apnea can also disrupt metabolic regulation, complicating diabetes management by affecting glucose metabolism and blood sugar control. Most critically, the combination of low oxygen levels, high blood pressure, and cardiac stress from sleep apnea can significantly increase the risk of heart attacks.

If you’re experiencing symptoms, seek professional advice to explore effective treatment options.

Get Quality
Consistent Sleep with Sleep Perfection

Addressing sleep apnea quickly is the best way to return your sleep to a peaceful, comfortable state. Luckily, Sleep Perfection is right around the corner, ready to help you get back to consistent and quality sleep.


Don’t let your poor sleep continue—contact us today to treat your sleep apnea in Tucson, AZ.