Sleep Study in Marana, AZ - Your Restful Night's Sleep Awaits

Solve your sleeping problems with Sleep Perfection’s convenient and comfortable sleep study near Marana, AZ. With our sleep expert, Dr. Sharad Pandhi, and state-of-the-art technology, our main goal is to improve your quality of sleep — and that starts with a sleep study.

How Our Sleep Studies Near Marana Work

A sleep study is a non-invasive test that diagnoses sleeping disorders by data from your sleep. 

Before the procedure, you’ll receive instructions on how to prepare, including any changes to your medication or sleep schedule.

During the study, our specialists will attach sensors to different points on your body. These are designed to be as unobtrusive as possible, allowing you to sleep as you normally would. We’ll track different areas of your sleep.

Brain Activity: Records of your brain waves to track the different stages of sleep you experience throughout the night.

Eye Movement: Monitoring of eye movements to pinpoint your sleep phase, especially REM sleep, which is closely linked to dreaming.

Heart Rate and Rhythm: Observations of heart rate and rhythm to identify potential sleep or circadian rhythm disorders.

Breathing Patterns: Analysis of your breathing to uncover any changes or interruptions that might suggest sleep apnea.

Oxygen Levels: Measurement of oxygen levels during sleep to detect possible serious sleep disorders.

Body Movement: Tracking of body, particularly leg, movements to diagnose conditions such as restless legs syndrome.

Following the completion of the study, we’ll analyze the data and discuss what we found.

Our At-Home Sleep Studies

While our sleep studies are done in our clinic, we offer convenience and comfort with at-home sleep studies, designed to be a seamless process.

This process can be done with two different technologies: the SleepImage System or the ARES Home Sleep Test.

thumb monitor

This approach uses a ring-like device, known as the SleepImage Ring, designed for easy wear.

To get started with the SleepImage system, you’ll first need to pair the device with the mobile app. This app serves as the central hub where your sleep data is recorded and analyzed. Dr. Pandhi can help you in setting up the app.

When it’s time for bed, you’ll simply put on the SleepImage Ring. Once activated, it begins to monitor and record a variety of sleep metrics throughout the night, such as your heart rate, breathing patterns, and any instances of snoring, among others.

ares home sleep test

This is a small device you’ll wear over your head while you sleep.

Dr. Pandhi starts by fitting you with the device. It features a forehead band and two nodules that are gently connected to the nostrils. Though much different than the SleepImage System, this method offers similar minimal discomfort and maximum efficiency in data collection.

Throughout the night, this device records your breathing patterns, capturing critical data that is essential for diagnosing sleep disorders. The device automatically transmits your sleep data directly to our team for analysis. 

This process allows us to gain deep insights into your sleep health.

Improve Your Sleep Today

Poor sleep quality can negatively affect your health and lead to less productivity and bad moods. If you think your sleep could improve, Sleep Perfection is here to help.

Don’t wait to get the sleep study near Marana, AZ, you need — contact us today!


For a sleep study to be effective and provide accurate results, it’s recommended that participants achieve at least 4 to 6 hours of sleep during the test. 

However, the more time spent asleep, the more comprehensive the data will be, enhancing the diagnostic process.

Yes, you can go to the bathroom during a sleep study. 

If you need to use the bathroom at any point during the night, you can signal to the sleep technician, who will assist you. 

For home sleep studies, devices are designed with practicality in mind, allowing you to temporarily disconnect if necessary, with clear instructions on how to do so without affecting the study’s results.

No, you are not required to sleep on your back during a sleep study. 

However, the technician may request you to spend some time on your back if it’s medically necessary to observe how your sleep is affected in this position.

  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol: Both can significantly affect your sleep quality. It’s best to avoid these substances in the afternoon and evening before your study.
  • Don’t nap: Avoiding naps on the day of your sleep study can help ensure you’re sufficiently tired and able to fall asleep once the study begins.
  • Skip certain medications: If you’re on medications that could influence your sleep, discuss these with your doctor before the sleep study. They may advise adjusting your medication temporarily.
  • Limit creams and lotions: On the night of the study, avoid applying creams, lotions, or makeup to your face or scalp, as these can interfere with the sensors used during the test.