Sleep Study in Oro Valley, AZ

Under the expert guidance of Dr. Sharad Pandhi, Sleep Perfection offers sleep study in Oro Valley, AZ, to diagnose and treat sleep disorders effectively. With a deep understanding of the complexities of sleep health, Dr. Pandhi utilizes the latest technology to provide solutions tailored to your unique needs. 

If you’re struggling with sleep issues and looking for evidence-based treatments, call 520-263-8023 today.

Why You Might Need a Sleep Study in Oro Valley, AZ

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms at night, it’s crucial to consult a professional.

Chronic Snoring: Often dismissed as merely annoying, chronic snoring can be a sign of obstructive sleep apnea, where breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep.

Excessive Daytime Sleepiness: Feeling unusually tired during the day despite getting a whole night's sleep can indicate sleep disorders like sleep apnea or narcolepsy.

Trouble Falling or Staying Asleep: Insomnia and other sleep disorders that make it difficult to fall or stay asleep can be diagnosed with a sleep study, identifying disruptions in sleep cycles or underlying conditions.

Unusual Behaviors During Sleep: Activities like sleepwalking, night terrors, or REM sleep behavior disorder are often alarming and potentially dangerous.

Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS): If you experience uncomfortable sensations in your legs with a strong urge to move them, especially in the evenings and during rest, it could be RLS.

These symptoms can significantly impact your daily life, leading to decreased productivity, mood swings, and even serious health issues over time. Dr. Sharad Pandhi recommends sleep studies as a crucial step for those suspecting they have sleep disorders, ensuring improved sleep and overall health.

How We Diagnose and Treat Sleep Disorders

ares home sleep test
The ARES™ Home Sleep Test offers a superior method for diagnosing sleep apnea, combining convenience, accuracy, and flexibility in one device. Its key features include:

Unlock the Secrets to a Restful Night
Contact Sleep Perfection Now

If you’re searching for a sleep study in Oro Valley, AZ, look no further than Sleep Perfection. With state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and a compassionate approach, we’re here to guide you toward restful nights and energized days. Let us help you achieve the restorative sleep you deserve and improve your overall well-being — contact us today


For a sleep study to be effective and provide accurate results, it’s recommended that participants achieve at least 4 to 6 hours of sleep during the test. 

However, the more time spent asleep, the more comprehensive the data will be, enhancing the diagnostic process.

Yes, you can go to the bathroom during a sleep study. 

If you need to use the bathroom at any point during the night, you can signal to the sleep technician, who will assist you. 

For home sleep studies, devices are designed with practicality in mind, allowing you to temporarily disconnect if necessary, with clear instructions on how to do so without affecting the study’s results.

No, you are not required to sleep on your back during a sleep study. 

However, the technician may request you to spend some time on your back if it’s medically necessary to observe how your sleep is affected in this position.

  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol: Both can significantly affect your sleep quality. It’s best to avoid these substances in the afternoon and evening before your study.
  • Don’t nap: Avoiding naps on the day of your sleep study can help ensure you’re sufficiently tired and able to fall asleep once the study begins.
  • Skip certain medications: If you’re on medications that could influence your sleep, discuss these with your doctor before the sleep study. They may advise adjusting your medication temporarily.
  • Limit creams and lotions: On the night of the study, avoid applying creams, lotions, or makeup to your face or scalp, as these can interfere with the sensors used during the test.