Improved Sleep Quality in Children for Better Health

child sleeping

Are you noticing your child becoming increasingly grumpy, forgetful, or showing poor impulse control? Perhaps you’ve even encountered occasional bedwetting incidents. If these behaviors have become a daily occurrence, it could be a sign that your child suffers from poor sleep quality.

It is crucial to recognize the signs early and seek professional help. Sleep Perfection, our leading sleep center in Tucson, AZ, specializes in evaluating and improving children’s sleep quality. By setting an appointment, you can take the first step toward addressing potential hyperactivity, lack of focus, and bedwetting issues linked to sleep quality.

Urgent Signs Your Child Has Sleeping Problems

The amount of sleep a child needs varies with age, and sleeping less than the recommended hours does not necessarily indicate a problem. However, sleep quality is paramount, as poor sleep can significantly affect a child’s behavior. 

Look out for signs such as the following:

  • Night terrors
  • Strange noises while sleeping
  • Waking up in distress
  • Difficulty falling or staying asleep
  • Morning grogginess
  • Breathing pauses
  • Irritability
  • Attention issues

These signs of poor sleep can affect daytime behavior in your child. When you treat the root of the problem, you will experience lasting results. 

Night Terrors and Sleep Apnea

Characterized by sudden episodes of intense fear and distress during sleep, night terrors in children may be linked to sleep-disordered breathing, particularly OSA. Conditions disrupting normal breathing patterns during sleep can trigger parasomnias like night terrors. Identifying and addressing sleep-disordered breathing in children experiencing night terrors may be crucial for managing these episodes and improving overall sleep quality.

Eye-Opening Consequences of Untreated Sleep Issues for Children

Ignoring signs of sleep-disordered breathing can lead to several adverse effects, regardless of the child’s age. These include moodiness, inattention, disrupted home and school life, poor academic and athletic performance, snoring, and growth impairment. 

Moreover, conditions like sleep apnea can lead to enuresis (bedwetting) and symptoms similar to ADHD, including distractibility, difficulty paying attention, and hyperactivity. Remarkably, about 25% of children evaluated for ADHD exhibit symptoms of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA).

Expert Tips to Improve Your Child’s Sleep Quality

Enhancing your child’s sleep quality involves more than medical interventions. Lifestyle changes can make a significant difference:

  • Limit or eliminate caffeine in your child’s diet. Caffeine can contribute to hyperactivity and the inability to settle for sleep. When caffeine is limited, the child has a better chance of falling asleep at a reasonable time. 
  • Establish a calming pre-bedtime routine, such as a warm bath. Bedtime routines help the child prepare for bed. The calming, reliable routine eases them into bedtime instead of parents expecting an instant change in behavior when bedtime rolls around. 
  • Ensure the bedroom is dark and cool. Remove stimulants from the bedroom so that the child can easily forget about distractions and transition into a restful state of mind. 
  • Address potential medical interruptions, like asthma or allergies. When children have trouble breathing while lying down, they wake up several times to try to get comfortable or find a position that will free up their airways. 
  • Exercise is beneficial, but avoid stimulating activities right before bedtime. Use the time before bedtime to take a bath, read books, and sing calming songs. 
  • Limit exposure to screens and blue light in the evening. Blue light does not help calm the mind. Set a cut-off time for screens that allows plenty of time to settle down for bed. 

When you establish a new bedtime routine that promotes increased sleep quality, you will see some changes in your child as they get the rest they need. For more specialized tips and treatments, contact a sleep quality professional. 

How Sleep Perfection Evaluates Airway Problems in Children

Sleep Perfection, led by Dr. Pandhi in Tucson, AZ, excels in identifying symptoms of sleep apnea and other sleep disorders in children. Risk factors, such as being overweight, having small airways, enlarged tonsils, venous pooling under the eyes, mouth-breathing or a family history of sleep apnea, are carefully evaluated. 

Through sleep studies in Tucson and possibly recommending oral appliances designed for children, Dr. Pandhi offers effective treatments for sleep-related conditions including slow maxillary expansion. Learn more about sleep-related conditions in children and what can be addressed for your child.

Improve Your Child’s Sleep Today

Dr. Pandhi and the team at Sleep Perfection possess extensive experience in evaluating, analyzing, and treating children’s sleeping issues. We understand the importance of preventing sleep disorders from causing long-term harm. 

If you’ve noticed any signs of sleep problems in your child, don’t hesitate to reach out to Sleep Perfection. Taking action now can greatly improve your child’s overall health, well-being, and future development.

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Dr. Sharad Pandhi in white lab coat and blue shirt with tie

Dr. Sharad Pandhi

Dr. Pandhi is a seasoned dental professional with over 40 years of experience, specializing in treatments for sleep disorders. A graduate of the University of Bombay’s dental school, he established his private practice, Smile Perfection, in 1987, and has since dedicated his career to helping patients achieve ‘sleep perfection.’ Recognized for his innovative approach, Dr. Pandhi combines holistic medicine with appliance treatments to treat sleep apnea and associated conditions, such as bruxism and TMJ dysfunction. His commitment to lifelong learning is demonstrated through his completion of C.E. courses from Sleep Group Solutions and Vivos training, as well as his active memberships in the ADA, Az D.A., Southern Arizona D.A., AGD, and American Academy of Sleep Medicine.